While it may seem a bit obvious, a report by a social media marketing company called Syncapse suggests that a brand’s Facebook Fans spend more each year on their products and services than the average non-fan. The study on 4,000 people who ‘Like’ the top 20 brands that have pages on Facebook has estimated that a Facebook Fan will spend $71.84 more each year on the brand than someone who has not ‘Liked’ them.
It seems that the average Facebook Fan (of the top 20 brands on Facebook at least) will spend on average $136.38 on that brand annually (almost double the amount that a non-fan will). The average Fan was also found to be more valuable to these brands than the average non-fan in other categories such as loyalty, propensity to recommend, brand affinity, media value (efficiency of Facebook vs. other ways to reach consumers) and acquisition cost.
Click Here for a PDF of the full report.