
Social Media Is Accounting For More And More Of People’s Time Spent Online

More figures on the continuing growth of social media. According to a Nielson report on worldwide internet usage in April 2010, 22% of all time spent on the internet is spent engaging with Social Media. While that may not seem to be that much, it is actually quite a significant amount of time when you take into account that this report is on a global scale.

75% of internet users worldwide visit a social networking site every time they go online (a 24% increase from last year) and they are spending 66% more time on these sites than they did a year ago. These figures show quite a significant increase in the usage of social networking sites compared to just last year!

Click Here for the full report.

Posted by Rob in Tech

It’s Official – Facebook Fans Spend More Money On The Brands They ‘Like’

While it may seem a bit obvious, a report by a social media marketing company called Syncapse suggests that a brand’s Facebook Fans spend more each year on their products and services than the average non-fan. The study on 4,000 people who ‘Like’ the top 20 brands that have pages on Facebook has estimated that a Facebook Fan will spend $71.84 more each year on the brand than someone who has not ‘Liked’ them.

It seems that the average Facebook Fan (of the top 20 brands on Facebook at least) will spend on average $136.38 on that brand annually (almost double the amount that a non-fan will). The average Fan was also found to be more valuable to these brands than the average non-fan in other categories such as loyalty, propensity to recommend, brand affinity, media value (efficiency of Facebook vs. other ways to reach consumers) and acquisition cost.

Click Here for a PDF of the full report.

Posted by Rob in Tech

Facebook ‘Like’ Button increases Blog Traffic By 50%

According to a TypePad report published today, bloggers who installed Facebook ‘Like’ buttons on their blogs have reported a 50% increase in referal traffic from Facebook. This increase is basically due to the fact that when people read these blogs, and ‘Like’ them, it comes up on their friends Facebook pages that they ‘Like’ the blogpost in question. This gives their Facebook friends the opportunity of discovering the blogs that they find interesting and, if they are also interested in the topic, they may click through and read it for themselves. This 50% increase in blog traffic from ‘Likes’ suggests that the ‘Like’ button is an effective way in spreading recommendations and endorsements between friends online.

I know this report refers to increasing traffic to blogs in particular, but it suggests that Facebook users are giving the ‘Like’ button their seal of approval. This is an encouraging sign for brands embracing the ‘Like’ button (e.g. Levi’s, as it suggests that there is potential in spreading product information and marketing messages through social networking sites.

Click Here for more.

Posted by Rob in Tech

Get your Web Prescence right before Focusing on Social Media

Another interesting piece from Simply Zesty that highlights the importance of getting your web prescence right before throwing all your time and money into social media. An example in how-not-to-do-it from ‘Pizza Hut Delivery’ is used. Pizza Hut Delivery have put a huge effort into developing a Facebook App around offering ‘Fans’ free pizzas every time a goal is scored against France in the World Cup. While this may be a great idea in generating fans, their performance in search engine optimisation is left wanting. The first three results for ‘Pizza Hut’ in Google are (1) a site under construction, (2) an upside-down PDF menu and (3) a terms and conditions web-page! They may generate a lot of fans but will these fans have the patience to order from them online?

Posted by Rob in Tech

Social Media Growth

Some of these figures are quite staggering! Surely this is an indication of how important Social Media is becoming in the area of online marketing.

Posted by Rob in Facebook, Twitter